We’re involved in several initiatives that aim to boost youth employment and provide opportunities for young people to thrive in their careers. This includes #NoWrongPath, a social media movement led by Developing the Young Workforce which provides inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their exam results. Click here to see how staff across Hillcrest have got involved in this campaign over the past few years.
Another campaign we mark annually is Scottish Apprenticeship Week, a campaign led by Skills Development Scotland to celebrate the benefits apprenticeships bring to businesses, individuals and the economy. Over the years we have featured testimonials of both current and past apprentices reflecting on their experiences and the benefits of completing an apprenticeship. Click here to see testimonials from the past few years.
We’re proud to be acknowledged for our commitment to providing high-quality opportunities for young workers. We have been recognised for our efforts in supporting young people through numerous awards, as well as awarding young individuals for their achievements.
Recent awards and nominations include:
To help demonstrate our commitment to young people, we follow the Investors in Young People (IIYP) Framework. The IIYP Accreditation is a highly regarded and industry-leading accreditation that provides specialised focus on the recruitment, development and support of young people. The accreditation is awarded by meeting high standards and best practice in youth employment. At Hillcrest we currently have the Silver Level Award in IIYP.
We are also an accredited Young Person’s Guarantee employer, which demonstrates our commitment to offering secure, long-term opportunities for young people to develop their careers.