Pre-apprenticeships offer the opportunity for young people to explore careers they may be interested in. At Hillcrest we support this by offering school/college visits, work inspiration activity and school/college talks.
Foundation apprenticeships
Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils. Lasting one or two years, pupils begin their Foundation Apprenticeship in S5 or S6. We support Dundee and Angus College with placement places to support their Foundation Apprenticeships.
Modern apprenticeships
Modern Apprenticeships combine a qualification with on-the-job experience. This lets people work, learn and earn at the same time. Young people securing a Modern Apprenticeship within Hillcrest are recruited on a fixed term contract of two years. During this time they are given the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and complete a qualification at SCQF Level 5 or 6. The types of apprenticeships available vary year-to-year as they are designed to meet the needs of our business and the ever changing employability landscape.
Graduate apprenticeships
Graduate Apprenticeships provide a new way into degree-level study for individuals who are currently employed by Hillcrest. They provide new and existing staff the opportunity to gain a degree in a relevant discipline along with working in a full time role within our organisation.
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