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World Homeless Day 2022

Posted: October 10, 2022

10 October marks World Homeless Day, a campaign highlighting the issues facing many people without a permanent home in our communities.

Hillcrest Futures’ Portman Street service offers emergency supported accommodation for men who are homeless across the south side of Glasgow. The service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Main statistics

Over the last 12 months, Portman Street has helped moved six people into temporary furnished flats, five people into private lets, seven into permanent tenancies within the rented sector (housing associations) and a further 15 into appropriate services for their needs.

Sharing a powerful message

The team has been working with the people they support to promote World Homeless Day, to raise awareness and break down stigma surrounding homelessness.

When asked what message they would like to get across, the unanimous response was to be seen for more than just being homeless. Each individual has created a portrait poster featuring the message they’d each like to share.

Free haircuts

The service has also teamed up with the Scottish Barbering School, who are generously offering free haircuts to people at the service throughout the day.

To find out more about our homeless support services, click here.