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When Neighbours Become Good Friends!

Posted: November 9, 2023

Lesley and Margaret are supported by Hillcrest Futures, and have been in their Hillcrest home for a while, sharing happy times chatting with neighbours, exchanging Christmas cards, taking in parcels and helping each other out.

Margaret and Lesley

Neighbour Rita gave Margaret shelter in her home recently when Margaret had forgotten her front door key and had to wait for staff to let her in! Another neighbour, Iona, offered the ladies the use of her outside table and chairs, enabling Lesley and Margaret time to soak up the sun during the summer.

In appreciation of the kindness shown to them by their neighbours, Lesley and Margaret decided to invite them for a tea party.  Lesley set about preparing the invitations, carefully decorating them with some of the flowers from her craft kit. Lesley also made a fresh cream Victoria sponge cake, which can be seen centre stage in the picture below. Looks delicious!

Some tasty treats!

Margaret helped prepare the flat for visitors, ensuring plates and napkins were ready and the table was set. Tea pot at the ready they eagerly awaited their neighbours.

“It was a complete success” Lesley said. Rita said she “really enjoyed time chatting over tea and cake”. She commented how happy Lesley and Margaret are each time she meets them. Iona said she was grateful to be given the opportunity to meet neighbours for a chat, usually, she says “it’s a quick wave as everyone goes on their way!”

Lesley and Margaret are now planning a buffet for staff and I think there’ll be many more such events planned in future.