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The Edinburgh Resource Hub showcases its service

Posted: June 12, 2024

On Monday, Hillcrest Futures’ Edinburgh Resource Hub held an open day to give staff, managers and professionals from other services, agencies and local authorities the chance to find out more about the service.


The Hub supports people to learn independent living skills and experience a range of recreational, educational and social opportunities.

Service manager at the Hub, Piotr Jankowski commented: “Our first open day was a busy and a successful one! We would like to thank each and everyone who visited our project and came to meet us.

“This includes all the staff and colleagues from so many different services and organisations of our city and beyond, all the newcomers, Councillor Tim Pogson for Southside Newington for accepting our invitation so kindly and making time to be with us at such an important event and Graeme Brown, Hillcrest Futures’ business manager who has a special connection to the Hub.

“And last but not least, our very own Sophie and Stevie who were here to share their stories and their Hub journey.”

To find out more, visit the Hillcrest Futures Edinburgh Resource Hub Facebook page.