You will have seen the devastation caused recently by storms and flooding, so it’s a good time to talk about insuring your belongings.
We insure the building you live in but we do not insure your belongings, such as furniture, electrical items, carpets etc. against theft, fire, floods, vandalism, burglary, burst pipes and other household risks.
It is your responsibility as a tenant to make sure you insure the contents of your home.
Insurance may seem like a non-essential expense when finances are already tight, but it can offer huge peace of mind that you’ll be protected and reimbursed should the worst happen, and your belongings are lost or destroyed.
There are also low-cost options for home contents insurance, and specialised discounted schemes for social housing tenants. Schemes to protect your belongings start from as little as £1 per week!
If you would like further information about home contents insurance schemes, lots of independent information is available here.