Home / News & events / Talk Money Week: 7 ways to save energy this winter – part 1

Talk Money Week: 7 ways to save energy this winter – part 1

Posted: November 8, 2023

During colder weather, there are simple and cost-effective things you can do to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce bills.

We asked Hillcrest Energy Advice Team (HEAT) to give us their top tips to save energy this winter. Make sure you stay tuned for part two, which will be posted tomorrow!


  1. Turn down your boiler’s flow temperature

Cost to you: FREE

Savings: The level of savings will depend on boiler type, how much it’s turned down, etc.

Many condensing combi-boilers are burning more gas than they need to. If you have a thermostat, you should use this to regulate the heating, and set the flow temperature to between 70-80 degrees.

If there is no thermostat for your boiler, it will be more efficient if the flow temperature is set to 60 degrees.

If you have electric heating, it is also more cost-efficient for your heating to be on a slightly lower temperature for a longer period, rather than short bursts of high heat.

If you would like advice on how to operate your heating system in the most cost-effective way, get in touch with HEAT on 0300 123 2640.


  1. Bleeding radiators

Cost to you: FREE

Savings: The level of savings can vary

A tell-tale sign that a radiator needs bled is if it’s warm at the bottom, but cold at the top. This is caused by trapped air and means your heating system has to work harder for longer to heat up the home – increasing your energy bills. If you have this issue, then call our repairs team on 0300 123 2640, and an engineer will resolve this for you.


  1. Install a smart meter

Cost to you: FREE

Savings: Dependent on your energy use

Smart meters give you a closer look at the energy your home is using. You can spot energy usage in real-time, which can make it easier to identify ways to save money.

Why not set daily targets and challenge the household to stay under it by doing simple things like ensuring lights and appliances are always turned off when not in use, and only boiling the amount of water you need in the kettle.


  1. Turn down radiator valves or electric heaters in rooms that aren’t used much

Cost to you: FREE

Savings: Around £135 per year for a typical household

Turning down the valves on radiators, or the thermostat on your electric heaters in rooms that aren’t used very much is a simple way to save money. Even lowering them by just 3 degrees can have a noticeable impact on bills.

However, keep in mind that room temperatures should not drop below 15 degrees, as this will cause condensation to form, leading to damp and mould.