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Hillcrest Neighbourhood Hero Awards 2022 – The results are in!

Posted: November 24, 2022

The Hillcrest Neighbourhood Hero Awards seek to celebrate those who have really made a difference to the community or someone’s life. This year we received very worthy nominations, and it was great to see the selfless support and effort many people put into their local community. Tenants from our Interested Tenants Register (ITR) were given the nominations and asked to vote for the winners.

We’re now delighted to be able to reveal the triumphant tenants!

Our runner up Valerie Cameron, with Housing Officer Sylvia Clyde

This year’s Neighbourhood Hero runner up is Valerie Cameron. Valerie was nominated by one of our Housing Officers, for her work in the community where she lives. Valerie is a wonderful example of how people can help and support each other and create a sense of value and connection within the community. Valerie selflessly gives her time each week to hosting social event for tenants in the area where she lives.  She organises social club meetings, bingo and other events.  This provides a valuable lifeline for older and elderly tenants in the area.  During lockdown Valerie kept in touch with elderly tenants and provided meals.  Valerie is a pleasant person and shows kindness, caring and compassions for others.

We are proud to announce the 2022 Neighbourhood Hero Winner as Donna Stirling. Donna was nominated by her neighbour John, who said: “Donna has made me feel welcome, supported me at difficult times, introduced me to new friends and overall been a great person to live by.  I really don’t know what I would have done without her”.

John had a serious accident and had to have major surgery.  Despite only knowing Donna from February 2021, she organised items to be sent to the hospital, looked after his dogs and helped sort out his house for his return home.  When home John was bed bound for several weeks and throughout this time Donna cooked daily meals, walked his dog and was a source of great emotional support. Donna was a little camera shy but was happy for us to announce her as this year’s deserving winner!

On behalf of everyone at Hillcrest, we’d like to say congratulations to both Donna and Valerie, who have demonstrated how kindness and compassion can have such a positive influence on peoples lives.