
Raising awareness of drug-related deaths in Scotland.

Our ODnotMe campaign was launched in 2018 to raise awareness about the tragic number of drug-related deaths in Scotland, in particular Dundee.

90% of drug overdoses are preventable with the use of Naloxone and knowing the signs and symptoms to look out for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Naloxone saves lives by reversing the effects of an opiate overdose.

Naloxone is a short-acting emergency response medication. It is injected into the outer thigh or upper arm with the effects lasting for approximately 20 minutes, so it is important to always call an ambulance.

Anyone aged 16 or over can receive a Naloxone kit and training on how to administer it at our Harm Reduction Service located at 4 South Ward Road, Dundee. You don’t have to make an appointment, you can drop-in during our opening hours:

Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Sunday: 12 noon – 2.30pm

Each weekday we close for lunch from 12 noon – 12.30pm.

Training can take around an hour, and then a kit will be issued (one per person).

Of course! We offer free training either one-to-one or in a group.

Training takes around one hour.

If group training sessions are required, we can arrange for this to be carried out in an external venue.

Please contact fholt@hillcrestfutures.org.uk or call 01382 200532 to arrange this.

A witness was present at over half of all overdoses but no help was given. Would you know what to look out for?

  • Individual is unresponsive or unconscious
  • Shallow/slow/rasping breathing or snoring (sometimes called the ‘death rattle’)
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Blue lips
  • Pale skin

Always call an ambulance if you are concerned about anyone. Carry Naloxone – it saves lives.

Promotional materials

2024 Posters

In 2024 we launched four new posters to address current drug trends and the shifting patterns in Scotland’s drug death statistics. They highlight four key areas: the stigma surrounding drug use, the increasing age of those experiencing fatal overdoses, the rise in female drug-related deaths, and the growing trend of polydrug use.

ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact overdosing doesn't discriminate, so neither should you   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact overdosing is most common between the ages of 35-54   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact 359 females died from a drug overdose in Scotland within 12 months   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact 79% of drug deaths are due to mixing drugs

2018 Posters

ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact the road to recovery carries risk   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact overdose doesn't discriminate   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact 1 overdose in every 7 is fatal   ODnotMe campaign poster promoting the fact more people die in Dundee from drug related deaths than road traffic accidents

We have specific posters (as shown above) for Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

If you would like to request copies of the posters or more information about the campaign, please contact fholt@hillcrestfutures.org.uk or call 01382 200532.

Social media

Follow us on Instagram for updates and to find out more about our service. Find us by searching for @HillcrestHarmReduction.