Home / News & events / Hillcrest Futures project worker publishes research paper on overdose experiences

Hillcrest Futures project worker publishes research paper on overdose experiences

Posted: August 20, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Teresa Flynn, a project worker from Hillcrest Futures’ Drug & Alcohol team, has had her research paper published in the Harm Reduction Journal.

While working part-time at Hillcrest Futures and Dundee University, Teresa conducted this research. Now a full-time employee with us, her paper is titled ‘It was like coming back from the clouds’: a qualitative analysis of the lived experience of overdose consequent to drug use among a cohort of people who use drugs in Scotland.

This study provides valuable insights into the factors leading up to and following an overdose, helping services to develop better support and prevention strategies. The research is based on interviews conducted in 2021 by Teresa with individuals in Dundee who had experienced an overdose.

Teresa commented: “This research study was only possible with the support and guidance of the team I worked alongside from The University of Dundee. As it was funded by the Scottish Government, it meant I had the opportunity to work in conjunction with them to help bring about change in order to enhance public policy responses, and contribute to the literature documenting the lived experience of non-fatal overdose (NFOD).”

Read the full paper here: Research Paper