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Energy bills – how to apply for Government support

Posted: January 6, 2023

The UK Government has announced details for how people in Scotland without a direct relationship to a domestic energy supplier will receive a £400 discount on their fuel bills through the Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS Alternative Funding).

The government is also providing a further £200 Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) to help those households in Scotland, England and Wales who use alternative fuels such as biomass or heating oil to meet energy costs this winter. Most households eligible for the AFP support will receive payment automatically via their electricity supplier in February, with no need to take any action.

Online applications will open in January for households who are eligible for the £400 EBSS Alternative Funding to submit their details, alongside a helpline for those without online access. Payments to households that meet the eligibility criteria – including people who get their energy through a commercial contract or who are off-grid – will be made by via local authorities.

Applicants will only be able to submit information through https://www.gov.uk/guidance/getting-the-energy-bills-support-scheme-discount from January and should not contact their local authority in the meantime. The exact date that an eligible household will receive support will depend on when the application is made and when the payment can be processed by the relevant local authority.

Further information is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/vital-help-with-energy-bills-on-the-way-for-millions-more-homes-across-great-britain-and-northern-ireland

If you are a Hillcrest tenant or a person who we support and you’d like information about support with your energy costs, please contact Hillcrest Energy Advice Team on 0300 123 2640 or via the MyHillcrest app.