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Controlling condensation and moisture

Posted: February 14, 2023

This winter, we’ve seen an increase in the number of condensation and damp issues being reported

In many cases, this is due to the cost of living crisis and increases in heating costs. Condensation is best described as moisture that forms on cold surfaces and where there is limited air movement. It occurs when there is too much water vapour for the air to contain or when it cools down quickly on cold surfaces. Mould growth happens in areas of regular condensation, with the dampness allowing spores, which are always present in our environment, to develop and grow into mould. It’s very important that condensation is managed within your home to prevent mould from developing. Mould can be a serious health risk to young children, the elderly or anyone with a respiratory condition.

How to manage moisture and mould

Good ventilation within your home is vital in managing condensation. Opening windows, even slightly, will improve airflow and allow moisture to escape. Extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom will also help quickly expel warm, moist air created during cooking and bathing. Make sure you also close the door to stop moisture getting into the rest of the house. If you do not have working extractor fans, please call our Repairs team on 08000 324 888.

Adequately heating your home is also important in reducing the risk of condensation. If possible, maintain a constant temperature of at least 16 degrees – this will significantly reduce the risk of condensation and mould. However, we know finances for many are tight, so if you are struggling to heat your home, our energy advice team can offer help in a number of ways. Get in touch with the team on 0300 123 2640.

Keep an air gap between furniture and the wall. This will prevent moist air becoming trapped and items like sofas attracting dampness from cold walls. Dry your clothes outside or, if that isn’t possible, in your bathroom. Damp washing can generate a lot of moisture so make sure the door is closed, window is open and extractor fan on.

Our handy Guide to Condensation offers even more information and top tips to help reduce moisture and mould in your home. Get in touch with us on 0300 123 2640 to request your copy now or download it from our website. We understand that condensation can be difficult to manage. If you’re experiencing it in your home, please call our Repairs team on 08000 324 888, who can offer support and practical advice. Where necessary, we may visit you to inspect your home and arrange remedial works to further help you.