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Celebration Event to Mark Successful Community Art Project in Stobswell

Posted: June 1, 2023

A group of young people met with local councillors and senior staff from Hillcrest Homes to celebrate a community art project at Dundonald Street, Dundee.

The wall mural, funded by the Hillcrest Foundation, was a partnership between local artist

Syke, the Dundee Youth Work Team and a number of young people.

Months of planning, community engagement, consultation and brain storming took place before the colourful wall art was created. Having worked to finalise the mural’s design, the young people, guided by Syke, took to their spray cans to create the colourful artwork, which is sustainability themed and depicts a scene featuring birds, butterflies, grass, bees and mushrooms.

Councillor Lynne Short commented that “It is a great privilege to be a councillor, and to represent an area that puts so much emphasis on partnership working and everyone taking ownership of their own area is so refreshing.

“I met with the art group at the early stages of their engagement process and I knew from their enthusiasm that the project would be something special.

“They have not disappointed and I look forward to seeing what they will do next. Thank you to all partners for making our neighbourhood that bit more colourful and special.”

Chairperson of the Hillcrest Foundation, Mark Percival added “It is refreshing to see a group of young people so committed and hard working to see this project through from start to finish. It was fantastic to meet with them all and hear what being involved in the project has meant to them. “

Some of the comments received form the young people included “We’re making history”, “It was nice to be part of something where we all had the same interests” and “I felt part of a community.”