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Are you retired? If so, you may be missing out on money

Posted: December 6, 2023

If you’re retired and have an income of less than £204 a week as an individual, or £307 a week as a couple, you may be due £1,000s a year in Pension Credit.

Plus, it then entitles you to a whole raft of other benefits.

Up to £2.1 billion of Pension Credit went unclaimed by around 880,000 eligible households.

If your income is slightly higher, there’s a chance you will still get Pension Credit – it depends on circumstances (there’s a higher threshold if you claim certain disability benefits or have caring responsibilities, so if this is you it’s worth checking).

If you are a Hillcrest tenant or support a Hillcrest tenant we have specialist staff who can advise if you would qualify. Give us a call on 0300 123 2640 or contact us by email at customerservice@hillcrest.org.uk.