Information about Hillcrest, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.
Information we publish |
Description |
Descriptions of who we are |
Aims and Values | Our mission statement, vision, key aims and key values |
Areas of operation | Our Find a Home page details the areas in which Hillcrest Homes provides social housing |
Summary of Business Plans | A summary of all of the business plans from throughout Hillcrest |
How to contact us |
Contact Us | Our telephone number, email address, main office address and online form for contacting Hillcrest |
Make a Complaint | Full details of our complaints procedure and how to make a complaint |
Unacceptable Behaviour Policy | Our Policy to support our staff and promote positive engagement whilst ensuring that Hillcrest is in a position to protect our staff and organisation |
Information relating to Freedom of Information |
How to Make a FOI Request | Full details of how to request information under the Freedom of Information legislation |
Freedom of Information Policy | Our Policy and Procedure in relation to how we comply with the Freedom of Information legislation |
About our Governing Body |
Governing Body – Hillcrest Homes | Details of our Board Members |
About our staff |
Executive Team | Details of our Executive Team |
Governance Documents and Corporate Policies |
The Rules of Hillcrest Homes | The Rules by which Hillcrest Homes must operate |
Standing Orders | The Standing Orders enabling the Association’s members to establish procedures for the management of the Association by the Governing Body on the members’ behalf. This also includes the remits of the Governing Body, the Audit and General Purposes Sub-committee and the Operations Sub-committee |
Financial Regulations | Our Regulations setting out the financial management and control of all the companies within Hillcrest. This also includes details about our internal and external audit arrangements. |
Articles of Association – Hillcrest Futures | The Articles of Association for both Hillcrest Futures and Hillcrest Maintenance |
Board Membership Policy | Our Policy setting out how we will secure people with the attributes to serve on our Governing Body. This also includes details of how to become a Governing Body Member |
Shareholding Membership Policy | Our Policy in relation to members of Hillcrest Homes |
National Involvement Network’s Charter of Involvement | Hillcrest Futures has signed up to the Charter of Involvement and it can be accessed through the ARC Scotland website |
Code of Conduct for Staff | The Model Code of Conduct of the SFHA which Hillcrest have adopted for staff |
Code of Conduct for Governing Body Members | The Model Code of Conduct of the SFHA which Hillcrest have adopted for governing body members |
Entitlements, Payments and Benefits Policy | Our Policy in relation to the acceptance or provision of gifts and hospitality
Register of Interests | A register of the interests that have been declared by our governing body members
This item is available on request |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy | Our Policy in relation to how we comply with Equalities legislation |
Health and Safety Policy | Our Policy in relation to how we comply with Health and Safety legislation |
Environmental and Sustainability Policy | Our Policy in relation to our performance in all areas of our business with regards to environmental, social and economic sustainability |
Relationship with Regulators |
Engagement Plan | Our Engagement Plan with the Scottish Housing Regulator |
Assurance Statement | Our Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator |
Landlord Report | The Scottish Housing Regulator’s report on our performance |
Complaints and Serious Concerns | Information for tenants and service users of social landlords about raising a serious concern or complaint to the Scottish Housing Regulator |
How we regulate | A guide for tenants and service users about how the Scottish Housing Regulator regulates social housing landlords in Scotland |
Annual Return on the Charter 2023/24 | Our submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) to allow the SHR to build a profile of Hillcrest Homes as a landlord and of the wider housing sector |
Financial Accounts 2022/23
Five Year Financial Projections 2022/23 Loan Portfolio Annual Return 2022/23 Five Year Financial Projections 2021/22 Loan Portfolio Annual Return 2021/22 |
Our Financial Returns to the Scottish Housing Regulator for 2022/23 and the previous two financial years
Our financial accounts for 2022/23 will be published soon.
Organisation Details |
About Us | Information about Hillcrest and the various companies within Hillcrest |
Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering services and information for our service users.
Information we publish |
Description |
Our Services – Social Housing |
Domestic Abuse Support | Information about domestic abuse and what you can do if you are a victim |
Energy Advice | Information about our free energy advice service |
Get Involved | Information about how you can get involved |
Helping Our People Engage (Hope) | Information about a free service for people over 16 who are living in Dundee |
Make a Change | Information about how to advise us of a change in your circumstances including information about:
· a change of household composition · applications for mutual exchange · sole to joint tenancy · joint to sole tenancy · passing on your tenancy · succession · keeping a pet |
Help with Benefits and Money | Information about how our Tenancy Sustainment team can help you with the financial aspects of starting and maintaining your tenancy. This page also includes information about Universal Credit and local agencies that can provide advice |
Paying your Rent | Information about how to pay your rent |
Report a Repair | Full details of how to report a repair including our repairs categories and response times and what happens when you report a repair |
Find a Home | Information about how to apply for a Hillcrest Homes property |
Client Money Protect Insurance Certificate | |
Our Services – Care and Support |
Support Services | Details about how to get support in relation to autism, homelessness, learning disabilities, older people, self-directed support, student support, substance use and young people |
Service Brochures | Each of the services run by Hillcrest Futures produces a brochure with full details about the service
These brochures are available on request |
Service Improvement Plans | Each of the services run by Hillcrest Futures has an improvement plan in place
These plans are available on request |
Our Services – Maintenance |
Maintenance | Details of the services provided by Hillcrest Maintenance |
Strategies, Policies and Procedures |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy | Our Strategy setting out how we will improve Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across Hillcrest |
Tackling Poverty Together Strategy | Our Strategy setting out how we will help tackle poverty and improve financial security and wellbeing |
Allocations Policy | Our Policy setting out Hillcrest Homes’ commitment to an open, transparent and accountable allocations process which complies with the law and reflects regulatory and best practice requirements |
Anti-Social Behaviour Policy | Our Policy in respect of anti-social behaviour and how we will provide a framework within which incidents of anti-social behaviour will be dealt with |
Income Management Policy | Our Policy setting out how Hillcrest Homes will apply common principles and take a clear and consistent approach to the management of arrears and the collection of income for all services |
Estate Management Policy | Our Policy in relation to the management of our rented, shared ownership and mixed tenure developments |
Rent Setting Policy | Our Policy setting out how we will apply key principles to set and maintain rents at affordable levels |
Fair Tariff Policy | Our policy setting out how we will apply common principles in relation to tariff setting for domestic dwellings and commercial properties |
Voids Policy | Our Policy to ensure that empty properties are let in an efficient, cost effective and fair fashion |
Domestic Abuse Policy | Our Policy detailing the steps we will take to support tenants who are victims of domestic abuse |
Risk Management Policy | Our Policy and Procedure addressing strategic or major risk management within Hillcrest |
Tenants’ Handbook | Our handbook for tenants
This will be published soon |
Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others.
Information we publish |
Description |
Governing Body Meetings |
Governing Body Papers | The agenda, papers and minutes for the meetings of our Governing Body. We will publish the papers of our:
· Governing Body · Audit and General Purposes Sub-committee · Operations Sub-committee · Hillcrest Futures Board · Hillcrest Maintenance Board The papers can be filtered using the options on the left-hand side of the page |
Consultation and Participation |
Tenant Participation Strategy | Our Tenant Participation Strategy setting out how tenants and other customers can take part in our decision making and how they can influence decisions about housing
services, housing policies and procedures and housing conditions |
Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent).
Information we publish |
Description |
Information about our accounts and budgets |
Statutory Accounts 2022/23
Hillcrest’s statutory accounts for 2022/23 and the previous two financial years which include sections on:
· Members, Executives and Advisers · Report of the Governing Body · Strategic Report · Statement of the Governing Body’s Responsibilities · Report of the Auditors · Report of the Auditors on Corporate Governance Matters · Statements of Comprehensive Income · Statements of Financial Position · Statements of Changes in Reserves · Statements of Cash Flows · Notes of Financial Statements |
Our programme of work and projects |
Developments | Our current development programme |
Spending relating to Staff and Governing Body |
Mileage, Subsistence and Other Expenses Policy | Our Policy and Procedure in relation to the payment of staff expenses |
Governing Body Member Expenses 2023/24
Governing Body Member Expenses 2022/23 |
The expenses of our governing body members and senior staff members broken down at category level
Pay and Grading Structure 2024/25
Pay and Grading Structure 2023/24 Pay and Grading Structure 2022/23
Our pay bandings for each grade of staff within Hillcrest Homes, Hillcrest Futures and Hillcrest Maintenance |
Information about how we manage our human, physical and information resources.
Information we publish |
Description |
Human resources |
Staffing Structure | The staffing structure for Hillcrest
This item is available on request |
Trade Union Agreement | The Recognition and Procedural Agreement between Hillcrest Maintenance and Unite the Union |
Bullying and Harassment
Paternity, Parental and Shared Parental Leave Working Regulations Nightworker Extreme Weather Emergency Situations Buying and Selling Annual Leave Work Experience and Placements Domestic Abuse (Support to Employees)
Our Policies and Procedures relating to our HR function
Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce Chartered Institute of Housing
Links to the websites of the professional organisations/trade bodies of which we are a member |
Physical Resources |
Property Strategy | Our Strategy setting out a clear vision of how Hillcrest will manage its portfolio of properties
Property Maintenance Policy | Our Policy to ensure the provision of good quality housing to people in need and to ensure all property assets are maintained to a high standard and continue to meet the demands and aspirations of customers
This document is currently under review |
Asbestos Management Policy | Our Policy outlining how Hillcrest plans to fulfil its duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012)
Leases and Protocols Policy | Our Policy when considering whether to enter into a Lease or a Support Provider Protocol
This document is currently under review |
Gas Safety Policy | Our Policy in relation to gas safety |
Information Resources |
Records Management Policy | Our Policy in relation to how we store, access and dispose of data and our Retention Schedules |
Data Protection Policy | Our Policy and Procedures in relation to how we process personal data |
Clear Desk Policy | Our Policy setting out how we ensure the security of our data in the working environment |
Information about how we procure works, goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.
Information we publish |
Description |
Our Contractors and suppliers |
Approved Contractors List | Our list of the approved contractors used by Hillcrest
This list is currently under review |
Our Procurement |
Procurement Strategy | Our strategy setting out how we will direct our external expenditure on goods, services and works |
Annual Procurement Report 2023/24 | Our report on our performance and achievements in delivering our Procurement Strategy for 2023/24 and the previous two financial years |
Procurement Policy | Our Policy in relation to how we procure services |
Procurement | Information about how we procure services and how you can tender for work |
Register of Contracts | A link to our Procurement page where you can find a copy of our register of the contracts we have awarded including the names of our suppliers and the value and duration of the contracts |
Open Tenders | A link to the Public Contracts Scotland page listing all invitations to tender over £50,000, including those of Hillcrest. Search for ‘Hillcrest’ under the ‘Keywords’ field to see our open tenders |
Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well we deliver our functions and services.
Information we publish |
Description |
Annual Report 2023/24 | Our Annual Report for 2023/24 and the previous two financial years |
Annual Performance Report 2023/24 | Our Annual Performance Report for the year 2023/24 and the previous two financial years. |
Duty of Candour Annual Report 2023/24 | Our Duty of Candour Annual Report for the year 2023/24 and the previous two financial years |
Complaints Policy | Hillcrest’s Policy and Procedure in relation to complaints and a booklet describing our complaints procedure and how to make a complaint |
Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g. bookshop, museum or research journal.
This class does not apply to Hillcrest as we do not produce any publications for sale.
Open data made available by us under the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under open licence.
This class does not apply to Hillcrest.