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Hillcrest provides mentoring to all young people aged 16 to 24 employed by our organisation. Mentors are staff volunteers from within our company, who are provided with full training to allow them to fulfil their role. This not only provides a great learning and development opportunity for our staff but is a great support for our young workforce.

We are also fully committed to external mentoring programmes. These include Career Ready and MCR Pathways.

Career Ready is the national social mobility charity at the heart of a network of educators and employers who believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to kickstart a rewarding career. We currently have three Hillcrest staff members who are supporting this initiative from October 2024. Further updates will be available to view on our News section.

MCR Pathways is a national, award-winning mentoring programme. Their vision is for all young people to experience equality of education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances. Their school-based mentoring programme supports young people to find, grow and use their talents. MCR Pathways help young people to build confidence, broaden aspirations and explore their future pathways. MCR’s young talent programme helps young people progress to positive post school destinations.

The impact of mentoring

Below we share testimonials from our apprentice Max, and his mentor Craig about both of their experiences of mentoring.

Max Laing, Business Admin Apprentice, Income Management and Engagement Team

“Starting at a workplace straight out of school could have been a daunting experience, however having a mentor to guide me through this experience really helped put me at ease. Sometimes there were just little things I needed to ask or small hints and tips I received from my mentor which really helped.

“Overall, the mentor programme provided me with the support I needed to smoothly transition from school life to full time work in a professional office. I am grateful that this programme exists within Hillcrest as it helped me settle in very quickly. I think this is hugely beneficial to young people and I hope it continues so that others can receive the guidance and support that I have.

“Even though my official mentoring period is over, I still find myself having that relationship and trusted source of information with my mentor. It still provides me with a safe place to speak or ask about things on a continued basis and to this day helps me greatly.”

Craig Munro, Income Advisor, Income Management Team

“Being a mentor with Hillcrest and helping integrate the workforce’s young people into the world of full-time work has been a rewarding experience. It is important for these young people to have a safe space to come to with any questions, or if they are looking for guidance from someone they can trust.

“It helps provide them a platform to flourish and take steps towards reaching their potential. Max was my first apprentice with Hillcrest, and he has always taken advice on board and still now comes with questions and I am more than happy to help.”