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How to make a FOI request

Before making a request for information, please review our Guide to Information to see if we have already published this information online.

For your request to be valid, it must:

  • be in writing (unless you are requesting environmental information, in which case it should be in a recordable format such as a recorded phone call)
  • describe the information that you are requesting
  • include your real name and an address (email or postal) so that we can reply.

You do not need to tell us why you want this information. However, giving as much detail as possible helps us to provide you with the information you want.

We may not be able to respond to your request if:

  • an exemption applies to the information you have requested,
  • it would cost us too much to respond, or
  • we do not hold the information you have requested.

If you would like to request access to information we have not published, please use the form below, email informationgovernance@hillcrest.org.uk or write to:

Business Services Team
1 Explorer Road

Make an FOI Request Form

If you would like any advice or assistance prior to making a request please contact Marc Hadden, Governance and Compliance Manager on 0300 123 2640 or at informationgovernance@hillcrest.org.uk.