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Challenge Poverty Week – communities and volunteering

Posted: October 2, 2023

This week is Challenge Poverty Week, which aims not only to highlight the impacts of poverty, but also the actions and advice that is available to help those who are experiencing it.

The week will cover a different topic each day, with ‘communities and volunteering’ kicking the week off.

Volunteering offers a multitude of benefits. It can teach you new skills, provide a sense of purpose, help you find friends, connect with the community and even advance your career by building valuable work experience.

It can also increase your self-esteem and well-being, relieve stress and improve your relationships. Moreover, volunteering has been associated with better physical and mental health.

If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities in your area, click here to see what’s out there. You can also check out HelpGuide.org for more information on the surprising benefits of volunteering.